Monday, April 1, 2013

Work Week 38

This weekend we worked on 4 things: pluming walls, sheering walls, pick up framing, and trusses. Since it was Easter this weekend a lot of people were able to come out during the week to work. We a few families bring out extra helpers on Saturday to help them reach their 40 hours, because they wanted Easter Sunday off.  Debbie's friend Ken came out again this week. He worked on Friday and Saturday helping with the trusses.

All the exciting action this weekend happened on Alfredo and Naty's house, where the trusses where put on their house.  The trusses have to be carried and put on the roof by hand. Facio and Toby spent most of their time working with the guys teaching them how to put trusses up. Facio walked back to where we were sheering to check on us through out the day.

Friday, they added beams to the front of Alfredo and Naty's house (lot 6) and Lupe's house (lot 8).
Lupe's lot 8
 If you look in the left hand corner of this picture you can see the pile of trusses.
Alfredo and Naty's house lot 6

Steve and Leticia's brother working on trusses. Everyone else watching from the ground.

Getting ready to left the first truss into place.
 Trusses going up.

 Pick up framing work been done on Deena's house (lot 7).

Patricia, Naty, and Lupe working hard on Deena's house.

Deena adding sheer to Evelyn's house.
 More pictures of the trusses going up.

 More pick up framing.

lot 6

Lot 6 by the end of Saturday.

Looking from under the houses. Andy helping out.

Debbie's house (lot 16)
 Seven families came out Easter Sunday to work.  Debbie, Deena, and I finished up sheering Evelyn's house.  Patricia and Lupe finished the pick up frame work on Deena's house.  Jackie and Carlos brought out volunteers to help.  Jackie, her volunteers, and Maria worked on pick up framing on lots 7-11. Pat worked on nailing the walls into the concrete. All other guys went to work the trusses. In the afternoon, Adam (a friend of my son) showed up and helped for a couple of hours.  It was great, because by then we were tired.
Patricia, Lupe, and Pat working on Deena's house.

Toby supervising the trusses.

By the end of the weekend.

John helping with the trusses.

Paul helping.

Our first house has it trusses up.  The first house is always the hardest.  Everyone has to learn new jobs.  Hopefully, we will get faster each weekend.

By the end of weekend, more of the pick up framing was completed and we had only 5 more pieces of sheer to cut and nail to Steve and Maria's house.  Debbie, Deena, and I found out we are not done sheering just yet.  We have to do more sheering once the trusses go on. 

Again we were blessed with many volunteers.  Thank you for coming out and helping.

Upcoming work:

1) porches will be poured (hopefully this week).
2) more trusses will go up
3) roofing (hopefully soon)
4) pick up framing
5) filling in sheer and sheering on trusses


As we were driving home from dropping the kids off, John and I were talking about how my understanding of Christ Crucifixion and Resurrection has become deeper over the years.  I remember doing a study on the book of Mark and reading  Mark 14:32-36 .  This was the first time that I realized how much Christ knew it was going to be painful physically and being separated from God, but chose to be obedient to God and suffer all of God's divine wrath that He has for every sin ever committed by all believers and be separated from God who He had always known. This was wow moment for me. Before this moment, I had the attitude of course he died on the cross that was what he was sent here to do. Every time I think about what Christ has done for me I am in awe and changes how I view everything.  (Christ was born from a virgin, lived a sinless life, crucifixion, buried, resurrection, ascension and reign.)


Mark 14:32-36

32 They *came to a place named Gethsemane; and He *said to His disciples, “Sit here until I have prayed.” 33 And He took with Him Peter and James and John, and began to be very distressed and troubled. 34 And He said to them, My soul is deeply grieved to the point of death; remain here and keep watch.” 35 And He went a little beyond them, and fell to the ground and began to pray that if it were possible, the hour might pass Him by. 36 And He was saying, Abba! Father! All things are possible for You; remove this cup from Me; yet not what I will, but what You will.” 

John 3:16-17

16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.

Matthew 20:17-19

17 As Jesus was about to go up to Jerusalem, He took the twelve disciples aside by themselves, and on the way He said to them, 18 “Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem; and the Son of Man will be delivered to the chief priests and scribes, and they will condemn Him to death, 19 and will hand Him over to the Gentiles to mock and scourge and crucify Him, and on the third day He will be raised up.”

Romans 5:7-9

7 For one will hardly die for a righteous man; though perhaps for the good man someone would dare even to die. 8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him.

Prayer Requests:

1) safety for us.  A lot of our work right now is on ladders and scaffolding.
2) Wisdom for Facio and Toby on how to teach us what we need to learn and who should do what job.
3) We learn our new jobs fast and can do them accurately.

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