Monday, March 10, 2014

Week 87

This weekend was all about getting our plants planted and on a drip system. 
Our house had 372 plants and trees .  Here they are laid out.
 Debbie had many friends come out and help her plant her landscaping on Saturday.

 Robert had friends come out and help him do his landscaping.

 We started planting at lot 6 and worked our way down the road.

Alfredo and Naty's house getting drip line.
 Our house

 Steve and Maria's house

 Evelyn's house

This is what allowed us to get so many plants done in one day.

Debbie's house done except the tree.
 Sunday we started at Luisa and Andres' house
Leticia's house leveling the ground
 We had to dig a trench from our dining room to our garage for the automatic sprinklers.

 Working on Debbie's sod area.
 Lot 6

 Lot 7

 Lot 8

 Lot 17

 Lot 9

 Lot 10

 Lot 11
 Lot 15
 Lot 14

 John and I  outside our beautiful new home.

At the end of a very long and hard weekend, Facio had a short meeting.  Sheryl joined us.  He told us that we are starting our final inspections today. We have to pass this inspection, so we can get our gas meter installed.  It takes the gas company a couple of weeks to come out. Facio, also, said that the wood chips will arrive this week and we were going to get all the timers hooked up for the sprinklers next weekend.

Please pray for us has we are working hard to finish.

  •  pass the inspection and the gas meters will go on soon.  
  • the subs would finish up there work 
  • we would be able to move in the first part of April 

This has been a long 19 months. We hopefully only have a few weeks left.  I know that each and everyday I need to keep my eyes upon the Lord.  He will give me the strength to finish the house and get our apartment packed. 

Psalm 121

The Lord the Keeper of Israel.

121 I will lift up my eyes to the mountains;
From where shall my help come?
My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.
He will not allow your foot to slip;
He who keeps you will not slumber.
Behold, He who keeps Israel
Will neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord is your keeper;
The Lord is your shade on your right hand.
The sun will not smite you by day,
Nor the moon by night.
The Lord will protect you from all evil;
He will keep your soul.
The Lord will guard your going out and your coming in
From this time forth and forever.

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