Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Week 86

This weekend was very wet and rainy. It was also a week of if something could go work it would go work. We got a text Tuesday night from Paul telling us that our front yard was flooded and they had turned off our water main. John and I drove out to the house with flashlights trying to locate the leak.  As we were arriving, Lupe was calling me to help direct us to where they had seen the water pouring out of. We found the hole right where we had connected to the city main water supply.  The next thing that happened was on Friday, John and I planned on working Friday all day.  We were working on the house when we found a leak in our master bathroom.  We called Facio. He came to the house. We found where the water was leaking from and put a bucket there.  Praise God on Saturday we were able find the leak and stop it.  Through out the day people found small leaks. The leaks were found around our roof flashing.  A little roof sealant around the flashing the leaks were fixed.

We only have a few pictures, because of the rain and all of us being busy finishing our homes.

Deena working on the caulking on our wood laminate and tile area.

John getting supplies to put on door stops. 

Painting baseboards

Debbie and Pat working on rock work on her pillars

Carlos working on his landscaping.

Steve and Maria working on their landscaping.

Evelyn and Delilah working on their landscaping.
 Last night we had our Post Occupancy Meeting.  Yes I did say occupancy.  We got a tentative date that we will be moving in.  Drum Roll Please March 25. So last night we gave our 30 days notice.  We are blessed to have landlords say that we could do a week by week after the 30 days for up to 4 more weeks. So what do we have to complete.  We have a few houses that could delay our move in date. The main task this upcoming weekend is landscaping.  As a group we have 1800+ plants to plant.  On our property we have 300 + plants and sod.  Deena has 350+ plants.  We are looking for volunteers to help us do some planting this weekend.

At the end of Sunday, Facio told us that he will be starting final inspections this week or next week.  After we pass our final inspection, the gas company has to come out to install our gas meter. The fire department has to come out for our sprinkler system.  The final step is our loan company coming out to do their inspection, sign paper and get our keys.

John took a few days off from work, so that we could finish our house. So far as I can tell, we have completed our home.  The three items that need to be done on our home: the stucco covers up an electrical box, which needs to be uncovered, our fire alarm and sprinkler system needs to be connected, and  our gas line needs to be connected to our home.  We dug a hole back in late June for the plumber to take the gas line from our garage to our home. It still has not been done.  This is very frustrating. Hopefully, all of these things will be done this week.

The last few weeks have been very hard for me.  I am tired and ready to be done.  I know I have to set aside my frustration and just start helping others complete their homes.  I am not sure where everyone is at on their homes, hopefully, almost complete. I am confident that with my eyes on Jesus I will be able to cheerfully help others.

Hebrews 12:1-3

Jesus, the Example

12 Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

Prayer Requests:

*volunteers will come out this weekend to help us get our plants planted
* all the interiors of our homes will be completed soon and we will pass our final inspection
* everyone will work together to finish the remaining items that need to be done.

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