This past week while we were gone all of the footings were dug. I was driving by on Thursday morning and found them digging out our footings. We have to keep the ground wet to minimize the dust.
Lot 10 (John and Tricia's lot) footings being dug. |
It was exciting to arrive Saturday morning and find all the footings dug. We had our safety meeting on wearing eye protection then we went to work. We were blessed with a lot of volunteers this weekend. We all appreciate all the work that they did. Thank you for coming out this weekend we were able to give 5 hours to most of the families.
Debbie and Lorraine setting the corners for forming the footings. |
Jacob setting the rebar for the corners. |
holding the footings board. |
Digging |
Debbie's lot with the footings dug. |
All of these piles of dirt had to be moved 2 feet from the edge of the footings and the footings had to be cleaned out of loose dirt. |
Deena's lot with footings dug. |
Brandon and Lupe working on lot 15 to determine the level of the footings. |
John and Steve pulling the strings of the footings. |
Pat and Ryan with the laser level. |
Hailee, David, Pat, and Adam cleaning out the footings. |
Working hard on Debbie's footings. |
Working on lot 17 footings. |
More digging. |
More digging on Deena's lots. |
More rebar was added to lot 6. |
More digging on Deena's lot. |
The digging continued on Deena's lot. |
bending rebar to finish off lot 6's rebar. |
Jacob and Tim pounding in rebar for the corners of Debbie's house. |
Discussion of where the next string goes. |
Working on the footings for lot 13. |
Lot 12 done and waiting for the rebar team. |
John and Tricia's lot at the end of the weekend. |
Brandon and Patricia lot 9 ready for rebar. |
Deena lot 7 waiting for forms. |
This was a hard weekend. One group of people spent all weekend digging out the footings. Thank you for all your hard work. It was a hot and humid weekend. We are starting to get the hang of the footings, but we are looking forward to getting out of the dirt. We all come home covered with a layer of dirt on us. We are making progress. It is hard when we start moving fast and then something happens and we slow down to almost a stop.
I was reading the Bible this week this verse was encouraging to me. I can tell there will be times when I will grow tired and weary and I need then to look to the Lord for my strength.
Isaiah 40: 38-31
28 Do you not know? Have you not heard?
The Everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth
Does not become weary or tired.
His understanding is inscrutable.
29 He gives strength to the weary,
And to him who lacks might He increases power.
30 Though youths grow weary and tired,
And vigorous young men stumble badly,
31 Yet those who wait for the Lord
Will gain new strength;
They will mount up with wings like eagles,
They will run and not get tired,
They will walk and not become weary.
Prayer Requests:
1) That we don't get discouraged.
2) We all come to the job ready to work hard and everyone performs to the best of their ability.
3) Strength and energy for everyone.
So Happy for all of the builders in Atascadero. It was a great experience for all of us in Templeton. I look forward to reading your blog.