Monday, May 13, 2013

Work Week 44

This weekend was a little different for us. The last of our trusses were delivered during the week.  Facio was on vacation. So Toby was in charge of  us. We started with our safety meeting.  Toby gave out the work assignments.  We all continued where we left off last weekend.  We realized soon after we got started that we were missing tools.  We eventually figured out that someone had stole some of our tools over night.  We were told this is common on construction sites. 
This was a hot weekend in the high 90s at least.  Friends of ours brought us juice boxes in the morning to drink. The heat makes it harder to work.
Debbie's trusses

Robert and Maria's trusses

Sheeting the trusses on lot 6 (Alfredo and Naty's house)

Deena's house

Sheeting going up on Lupe's house (lot 8)
Some of Toby's students came out to volunteer some hours.
Michael and David standing and working on lot 13 (Andres and Luisa's) garage header.

John, Steve, Alfredo, and Jacob working on lot 14 (Leticia's house)

Delilah and Naty painting.
Steve's goal is to get John on the roof.  I don't think that will happen. 
John high on ladder.  (John does not do heights).

Working on Leticia's garage header (lot 14).

Alfredo working on top of Leticia's porch.

John and my garage lot 10

Brandon and Patricia's house (lot 9)

Lot 17 Robert and Maria's garage

John and my house

Debbie's house

Me sitting on the trusses adding blocking in for shear.

Paul, Pat and Brandon working on Debbie's garage header.
Sunday morning started out hot and got hotter.  We all battled to stay hydrated and cool.  We had to start getting wet in the faucets.  My friend Carrie came out after last break to bring us ice cream sandwiches (which we discussed the day before as something that would be great to cool us off.  She also brought out chocolate candy and flowers for all the moms.  Thank you Carrie.  We had enough ice cream sandwiches to share with group 2 and the framers doing our trusses.
Lupe and Patricia carrying boards.

Deena's house getting trusses on the porch

Deena's house

John and Steve working on Deena's garage header.

Carlos and Michael working on header for Carlos and Jackie's front porch.

Debbie's house

John and my house

John and my house.
This weekend Debbie, Deena, and I had to shear the gable ends of my garage.  It was hard because it slopes down and we only had approximately two feet to work on. Toby came over to show us how to nail it off in the small space.  We realized our arm length was causing the problem. Thanks Michael for coming over and helping us nail it off.  It does look good.
John and my garage with shear added.
We survived another hot weekend.  We made progress on the houses.  I am not sure when we will have our inspections or when we will start roofing.  I do hope it cools down.

Prayer Requests:

1) cooler weather
2) safety
3) We continue to make progress and pass our inspections
4) Strength and endurance.

Building our house is such a blessing.  It is hard.  I have to depend on God for the strength and endurance to keep getting everything done. Some weeks are harder than others.  God keeps providing the energy we need.  We were blessed to sit on our front porch Sunday for lunch and get a taste of what it is going to be like when the house is done.  It is going to be amazing.  That let glimpse of life after the house helps so much to keep pressing on.  I see God everyday using this experience to grow my faith.  I see is mercy and compassion on hot days when friends bring us something cool.  I am pushed every weekend to do things I never thought I would do (walk and bend over on a 1 1/2" board 8 feet in the air) and I have to cry out to God for help and safety.  What a wonderful blessing this experience is!


Hebrews 12: 1-3

Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

James 1:2-4

Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

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